My Interests

I have a passion for all thing maps, which has come in handy for my love of travel, hiking and exploring.

I'm also an information sponge and enjoy absorbing new knowledge of all types!

Life Goal

Filling out my Map

As both a travel and map enthusiast, it was only natural I created a map that details my life's geographic journey.

My goal is to fill out my map as much as possible, especially venturing beyond North America.

My Interests

Planning Trips

I've meticulously planned many potential road trips I have not yet had the time or resources to take. I can quickly get lost in the research, taking into consideration the people I'm travelling with, and other factors.

Exploring Nature

I like finding amazing places that may get overlooked. Exploring every nook and cranny of the American west has become a mission for me.

Exploring Cities

Although I'm most comfortable in nature, cities excite me, and even just walking the streets, absorbing the sights and sounds. You never know what you'll find when you turn the next corner.


I enjoy watching most sports, especially college basketball, NFL, as well as both club and international soccer. I've been interested in following the rise in interest here in the US, and how MLS has been able to mature.


I like to follow tech industry trends and advancements. This habit has proved useful in my professional life as both physical and digital product design are heavily influenced by quickly moving innovations, making it easier to see how use cases and form factors may evolve in the future.


My very first career interest came through meteorology. I like to follow extreme weather and always love a good storm, whether it's snow or severe summer storms. I would look at the clouds all day if I could.

Analyzing Maps

I find maps to be one of the quickest mediums for absorbing information, and being able to understand the world around us. I spend an embarrassing amount of time studying data through maps and trying to extrapolate insights from them.


I have a pretty diverse taste in music. I especially like it when multiple genres are blended together. There are so many artists without name recognition doing great things. I love to share my music with friends through playlists on Spotify.


Anyone who's travelled with me knows I love to be the trip photographer. I think it just comes with the territory of being a designer, but getting the best shot or faithfully capturing a candid moment really excites me.

Photo Gallery >


Before I knew I wanted to be a designer, I practiced 2D art in high school. I would paint from the photos I'd taken on road trips. I hope to continue this tradition for future travel, and continue to work on art in my free time.

Art Gallery >

Topics I care about


My interest in exploring the natural world has driven my desire to protect it.

I believe it shouldn't be a high burden for each of us as individuals to act responsibly, and as a designer there is plenty of opportunity to address both issues of environmental preservation as well as our impact on the climate. I get involved where I can and always champion sustainable solutions in the office.


Cities fascinate me, and as the primary habitat for us humans, it's disappointing to find spaces that seem like they've been designed without anyone in mind or just with cars in mind.

We can make our own built environment a better, more useful, more pleasant place to be.


The roads, rails and trails act as the blood vessels that physically connect us.

Too often, the journey between any 2 points, especially in the US, comes with limited options, trade-offs and delays. I study the worst examples of this, and imagine how reasonably priced transit projects could lead to huge improvements in efficiency and quality of life for those who commute or travel.

Global Issues

Many people tell me they can't stand to follow what goes on in the world, and that's very understandable. However, I do the opposite and try to dig deeper.

I try to look at all the disparate factors that might contribute to an issue, and always cross-referencing a wide variety of sources to make sure I'm seeing the clearest picture possible.


Psychology obviously has a huge role to play in design as we try to provide our users with the best experiences possible.

Understanding how the mind works is fundamental to successful cooperation, persuasion, and more. Learning how and why the brain does certain things has helped me tackle my own mental health headwinds.